Looking to lose weight, sleep better and get more energy?

Hi, I’m Michelle and ’m so thrilled to be helping you successfully navigate your healthy ageing journey, to lose weight, sleep better and have the energy to do more of what you enjoy doing every day. 


Birthday Celebrations 🥳 

In 2019 (pre-Covid!), I had the opportunity to celebrate my 50th birthday (twice!):

  • Party One: 30 of my family and closest friends went to Bali for the most amazing five days of partying, relaxing, eating, swimming and sleeping. It was truly awesome.
  • Party Two: Over the December /January break I took my beautiful family on a well-deserved holiday, including Christmas in New York and New Year’s Eve in London with some travel on either end.

Just after we returned from our amazing trip, COVID struck, the series of lock downs commenced, and I found that I was just getting fatter and fatter and nothing I could do would budge my expanding waistline.

I’d always been relatively fortunate in the past where I could do a bit more exercise or focus on my food intake to drop a few kilos easy enough. But now…

Fit And Fantastic at 50 Bali Party

It was a different story….

I knew I had been gaining weight. My clothes were all tighter. I had less and less that I could comfortably wear. I had resorted to track suit pants as my go to gear as my jeans were no longer an option. I was getting increasingly frustrated. 

I have struggled with maintaining a healthy weight for as long as I can remember. I was a chubby kid, one of my best friends affectionately named me “chunky”. If I “really” wanted to lose some weight, I could… I’d up my exercise or better manage my food intake to drop a few kilos and fit into my normal wardrobe again.
But as soon as I hit 50, none of my usual weight loss tactics worked.

Determined to find the answers, I immersed myself in learning everything I could about why I could no longer drop the excess weight. After months and months of research, seeking out the experts, trying different approaches, failing and trying again, I found a recipe for success. I brainstormed, I asked questions, and I read more and more. I literally covered the living room wall in post it note ideas until I finally worked it out.


“I cracked the code for getting back in control of what I ate and how much I weighed”.​

I unlocked the secrets to lose weight, fit into my clothes, not feel embarrassed going to the beach, and be back in control.
After working in health care for more than 30 years, I’ve finally turned my attention to taking care of myself and those that I love the most. 

I took all that I knew from studying anatomy, physiology and human biomechanics at university, added this to my career as a Physiotherapist for 20 years, then combined this with my life experience of struggling to be in control of my weight.
My mission, NOW, is to help people like you go from struggling with weight gain to feeling in control of your healthy lifestyle and weight range (no gym membership or expensive supplements required!).

And now I’m super excited
that I can share these secrets with you!

Fit And Fantastic At 50 Cat Women